Hi, I'm Philippe Bourcier, a 44 years old french man, living in Paris, France.
You will find on this page a brief description of my involvement in various projects
related to some of my passions for IT SECURITY, INTERNET, MUSIC, ART & VIDEO.
My Resume
(I'm always looking for interesting opportunities.)
Feel free to contact me at Philippe -at- sysctl.org.
Netlantis Blog/News

Founder of the FRNOG and organizer of the FRNOG meetings

Founder and maintainer of CYBERABUSE.org and its various projects

Administrator of various servers on the UnderNet IRC network

Co-founder and developer for the netlantis project

Dynamic mapping of AS Paths - part of the Netlantis project

Various maps of the Internet - soon to be part of the Netlantis project

CAMELEON - Solution for and Ads-free Internet

More or less psychedelic digital pictures

© Philippe Bourcier